Monday, 3 March 2008

Why we have weather ...

To give us something to talk about, moan about and, of course, to photograph!

They say, in Ireland, the weather changes every 15 mins..... we've been here in Enniskilen for 4 days and we've had rain, heavy mist, gale force winds, sunshine, and now - snow! Yes, SNOW. Can you believe it?

We took the opportunity to travel here by own car this time rather than fly and hire a car. We're so fed up with all the hassles at airports these days. Ok, it took longer to get here than usual but we feel so much more relaxed (and it was about the same price) - and we have ALL the camera kit this time. Well, nearly all of it! ....... We have a small 4 x 4, a Freelander.

So, can you imagine my excitement when I saw the snow? Can you imagine Marianne's worry when she saw my excitement? I got Mavis (Marianne's mum) up early and we went in search of SNOW! We found loads of it but we didn't actually get to the place that Marianne's brother suggested we go to, not until later in the afternoon. But we did manage to get some great shots. In my opinion anyway. I was impressed with the way the car handled 2 inches of 'hilly' snow as well. I don't think Marianne was quite so happy about the descent though :-( Oops!

Mavis' garden is a haven for small birds and especially Goldfinches.... one of my favourite little birds. So pretty with the golden bars on their wings and their lovely red heads. I have a couple of shots I've taken but, tomorrow hopefully, I'm going to make a special effort to get some really good shots of these little fellows. The odd thing about Mavis' aviary with all the little finches (chaffinch, greenfinch - I think I even saw a bullfinch as well) is the fact it's an enclosed garden just on the outskirts of town but still away from the countryside and she has a (almost) tame pheasant. I'm sure I could get it to eat out of my hand. It does look so odd in amongst her delightful Spring flowers!

Some wintry Spring shots..... more to follow....

Our 4x4

The Farmer's 4x4

Just by the entrance to Marble Arch cave

Just a couple of trees....
Marianne's threatened to turn this into a Christmas card....


picperfic said...

what a treat is was to have the photos, especially the one with the red car in it and the pretty trees. So glad that horrid wet windy stuff dissappeared though. x

Marianne said...

A lovely holiday card it would make too!
Lovely photos, hope you catch some good ones of the birds.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the last picture would be a splendid card!

We much prefer driving to a destination than flying. Part of the fun is the companionship and seeing the country, plus not being dependent on renting or being at the mercy of others if you want to go someplace once at the destination.

KSee said...

Boy, you two have had more snow this year than we have here in the metro Washington DC area. Beautiful pic that last one.