Tuesday, 4 March 2008

The start of Aviation....

Mostly today I've been busy helping Mavis get a few things sorted before we return home tomorrow. But I did promise myself to get some decent little bird shots. Unfortunately, I only managed to get the experimental stuff done. I needed to sort which lenses to use (which I managed) and then concentrate on more compositional stuff. A good plan indeed, except there must have been something on Bird TV cos they all disappeared!

Anyway, I did manage a few.....

A Goldfinch keeping an eye me
Pretty little Great Tit
Goldfinch in elegant mood
Inquisitive Blue Tit
Goldfinch again
Mrs. Chaffinch
Mr. Chaffinch
Mr. Chaffinch again!

Sadly no Greenfinches or Bullfinches but I have seen them here before. As for the Pheasant.... who knows?


Marianne said...

I think they're all gorgeous, thank you for sharing!

Faerynuff said...

I love the one of the Blue Tit. So cheeky. We have a pair who visit our garden regularly and they are so funny to watch. Our robin tends to chase them off though!

Anonymous said...

Our goldfinches don't have the red heads. Thanks for the great pics.

KSee said...

what beautiful shots of the birds. How colorful yours are. I've seen goldfinches and purple finches but never ones of this color.